ERROR: Repository not found, fatal: could not read from repository.
SOLUTION: Go to your GitHub account, click developer settings and create a new temporary token called ‘push token’, the next step copy the HTTP not SSH code under your repository, then open your terminal and type “git remote -v (this command will show you the main repository for your project), then next type git remote set-url origin “then paste the HTTP code together with your created access token” then press enter. Walla…… it is done!
*What is git remote? The git remote command lets you create, view, and delete connections to other repositories. Remote connections are more like bookmarks rather than direct links to other repositories.
*What is remote origin URL? In Git, "origin" is a shorthand name for the remote repository that a project was originally cloned from
What is the difference between SSH and HTTP in Git?
Use SSH as a more secure option and HTTPS for basic, password-based Git usage. Since SSH is more secure than entering credentials over HTTPS, it is recommended for businesses dealing with sensitive and critical data. Once you generate the SSH keys, only the machines with the key file on disk can access the repository.
CONCLUSION: Sharing is learning!